Oriente extracted Matrix according to the anchors and bait order. Apply a 180° rotation follow with a transposation on a matrix or on matrices in a list according to the interactions attributes of the list.
- mtx
<matrix or Listmatrix>: Matrix or matricies list to oriente
- verbose
: Report the number of matrices corrected. (Default: TRUE)
# Data
# Index Beaf32 in TADs domains
Beaf32_Index.gnr <- IndexFeatures(
gRangeList = list(Beaf = Beaf32_Peaks.gnr),
chromSizes = data.frame(
seqnames = c("2L", "2R"),
seqlengths = c(23513712, 25286936)
binSize = 100000
# Beaf32 <-> Beaf32 Pairing
Beaf_Beaf.gni <- SearchPairs(indexAnchor = Beaf32_Index.gnr)
Beaf_Beaf.gni <- Beaf_Beaf.gni[seq_len(2000)] # subset 2000 first for exemple
# Matrices extractions center on Beaf32 <-> Beaf32 point interaction
interactions_PF.mtx_lst <- ExtractSubmatrix(
genomicFeature = Beaf_Beaf.gni,
hicLst = HiC_Ctrl.cmx_lst,
referencePoint = "pf"
# Matrices Orientation
oriented_Interactions_PF.mtx_lst <- OrientateMatrix(interactions_PF.mtx_lst)
#> 794 matrices are oriented